How Much Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Cost?

Average Criminal Attorney Fees In California For Misdemeanor or Felony

How Much Does A Criminal defense Lawyer Cost For Misdemeanor or Felony? This is one of the questions anyone accused or charged with a type of crimes should be asking. Are you or love done charged with crime? We know that it is scary to be accused of any type of criminal offense as you might lose your freedom. We recommend that you contact a criminal defense attorney to get your options and cost after reading this blog.

Average Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost Or Fees And The The Factors That Determines It

There are many factor that will determine how much a criminal defense lawyer cost or the average fee charges for your case representation.  A criminal cases if it goes to trial will cost more, however, on the average a misdemeanor criminal charge will cost you approximately $2000 or more depending on the type of caseAnd a felony might cost you between $5000 to 50,000 depending on many factors. Some of those factors are:

  • Is your case at a federal or state court
  • What type of experience does the attorney who will represent you have
  • Were you charge or convicted before
  • What state and city you are in
  • How many strikes do you have
  • Do you have any prior criminal conviction
  • Will your case go to trial or be settled
  • The number of charges involved – one or three counts of misdemeanor or felony etc

Contact A San Diego, California Lawyer For More Details On How Much A Criminal Defense Lawyer Help Fees Will Be For Your Specific Misdemeanor or Felony Case

Please contact our San Diego criminal lawyer for free consultation and more customized quote on your case.